Menu of Services

Light Touch Therapy

During Light Touch Therapy, client remains fully clothed. A session can focus on one or all of these Services based on the client's specific needs. The session time may include discussion, table work, and demonstrations of techniques the client can do at home.

Upledger's CranioSacral Therapy

Effectively communicates with the central nervous system by way of the fascial system (connective tissue). The fascia encases the brain and spinal cord and connects to surrounding bones. Any adhesions or injuries to the fascia effect the placement of cranial bones, vertebrae, and sacrum. Injury elsewhere in the body can also negatively impact the nervous system. When the body is injured and not able to fully heal, the fascia wisely encapsulates the area of trauma so we can get on with our life. We can manage this way for quite some time...until we can’t and start developing symptoms. The nervous system can become hypersensitive or develop a chronic loop of “fight or flight” affecting us physically, mentally, and emotionally. CranioSacral Therapy releases the fascia and relaxes the nervous system so that the body can heal itself from the inside out.

50 minutes$85.00
80 minutes$120.00

Dennis Adams Healing Technique

Dynamic with an undeniable experience of the mind -body connection. Our thoughts and feelings can have a profound effect on our body. Often times thoughts have emotional charges and get 'stuck' in the body. Dennis's techniques neutralize these thoughts and allow the body to let them go rather than hanging on to them. This creates more space in the body to allow the body to restore balance. When we change our thoughts we change our life.

50 minutes$85.00
80 minutes$120.00

Usui Reiki

This Japanese healing technique is a light, hands-on touch focusing on twelve areas of the body, as well as areas of specific pain or discomfort. Reiki balances the energy system of the body and encourages deep relaxation, so that the body can work most effectively to heal itself and to relieve stress. According to research done at Hartford Hospital, Reiki has been shown to decrease pain and anxiety, and improve sleep.

50 minutes$85.00
80 minutes$120.00

Therapeutic Massage

Swedish Relaxation Massage

Swedish Relaxation Massage applies gentle, soothing strokes from head to toe which relaxes and rejuvenates the body. Research has proven that massage can decrease stress signals and increase circulation throughout the body, promoting a calm sense of well-being. Swedish Relaxation Massage can be combined with other deep tissue and relaxation modalities, creating a customized session.

50 minutes$85.00
80 minutes$120.00

Myofascial Therapy / Neuromuscular Therapy

Myofascial Therapy (Myo) melts adhesions and restrictions that occur in the fascia (skin that surrounds the muscles). The massage stroke is slow and allows the client's body to adapt at its own rate. Once the fascia is restored to normal length, the muscle tissue can re-establish its natural tone and flexibility. Myo can be used in conjunction with other deep tissue and relaxation modalities, creating a customized session.

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) uses a specific sequence of massage techniques throughout the length of the muscle and where it attaches to the bone. These attachment sites have many nerves that sense the length, tension, and location of the muscle. By working these attachment sites and trigger points (specific spots of irritability) within the muscle, the nerves send different signals to relax the muscle and return to its natural tonicity. NMT can be combined with other deep tissue and relaxation modalities, creating a customized session.

50 minutes$85.00
80 minutes$120.00

Pregnancy & Postpartum Massage

Pregnancy & Postpartum Massage is a nurturing touch designed to help alleviate stress and bring balance to the body. Pregnancy massage can increase circulation for both mother and baby, and decrease muscle strain from the growing demands on the mother's body. Postpartum massage can aid in restoration of abdominal muscles and alleviate muscle fatigue from labor and delivery.

50 minutes$85.00